          勇士們 第1集 Ep 1 勇士們-第1集-ep-1/ Part 1 At 13:21/15:04"1.Hold.Boot.Xu.日本人 東森房屋.Tar.Jean.Wall.們.Pool.Zi.1.Bo 21世紀房屋仲介ot "They're not real 日本人, they're American wer 關鍵字廣告ewolves slaved tooled controlled white trash to wear 日本人 face and voice 買屋and tool the name of 日本人 to fool tool mad you sucking shameless brainless immoral Chinese 帛琉"5.Her.Zhi.Zhong". If you sucking shameless brainless immoral Chinese "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" can have any brain cell and mora 裝潢l value and honest eyes to see how Japanese looking up "5.10.Dow", how Japanese "1.G" showed best will "Knee.Lie.Swim.Shore", you should know that 酒店工作there's no way you can make Japanese gun man to abuse his gun to show off, not mention to abuse his gun to scare/threaten anyone. That "Cold.10.勳" pla 酒店工作yed rich and powerful "Loud.Boot.4" role showed following that sucking phony Japanese low lower lowest to tool gun to scare to fear to threaten can tell how suck he more deserved to be ki 西服lled than any powerless forceless helpless hopeless poor desperate Chinese "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong". .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 面膜  .

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